Your One-Stop Legal Shop | About Solivagant Legal


Mairin Van Shura with koala

Not Your Average Lawyer

No stodgy law office, no talking down to you in legalese. From the bite-sized, plain English modules in Back Pocket Legal™ to offering short 1:1 sessions and DFY brand protection so you get premium support at a price you know upfront, everything we do is to support you as a busy business owner.

With our contract templates, you’ll protect yourself and your payments, while minimizing misunderstandings with clients because everything is clear upfront. Plus, our contracts give you strong boundaries, protecting your time and allowing you to take on more clients, diversify your offers, and make more money.

Need custom contracts drafted or contracts reviewed prior to signing? Find out more about working with me 1:1.

With Back Pocket Legal,™️ you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to run a legal business, and you’ll get all the tools and biweekly support you need to implement quickly.

In our Power Hours, you’ll get 1:1 access to me for your legal questions and an audit to uncover vulnerabilities and potential problem areas.

Through our DFY trademark services, you’ll finally own your brand. You’ll get exclusive use of your name and the credibility that comes with it for less than an hour time commitment.


Mairin Van Shura with Kangaroo

My Story

“Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” -Roald Dahl

In the summer of 2019, sunburnt to an absolute crisp in my un-airconditioned AirBNB in Havana, Cuba, I had an epiphany/breakdown (depending on your perspective 😉). Everything surface level in my life was fine, but I was profoundly unhappy. Despite the healthiest habits of anyone I knew, nothing was helping my hair loss or anxiety and the deep, unshakeable feeling I was living the wrong life. I decided to uplevel every single aspect of my life. I didn’t have a clue what my future business would look like, but I knew I had a diverse legal skill set, a ton of experience working with small business owners in different capacities, and the desire to serve in a more impactful way.

In quick succession, I quit my law firm job, sold my house and 95% of my belongings, and moved abroad. Amidst all of those huge changes, I started this business, the business that would allow me to finally feel like I was living my purpose as well as helping you protect yours.

I love almost everything about being an entrepreneur. But as incredible as being a business owner is, I think we can all agree that entrepreneurship is a roller coaster. We deal with limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome constantly. All because we wanted to chart our own course, do things differently, buck convention. I wouldn’t trade that freedom for the world, and if you’re here, I bet you feel the same. I can’t wait to help you experience the freedom that comes with knowing you’ve built the right foundation to protect your passion.

mairin in havana

Why "Solivagant?"

Random bits and bobs:

distance runner
I love distance running, even though I've broken both wrists and both ankles running. I've been lucky enough to run on 4 continents so far. Running at sunrise while on safari in South Africa is one of my favorite memories.
tea kettle
I drink at least 4 cups of hot tea every day, year round. I have tea bags in my handbag and travel with an electric kettle. It's kind of nuts.
I've battled hair loss for years. That's real hair in all my pics, just not mine. 😉 After spending over $50k on doctors, supplements, holistic healing, etc., not to mention thousands of hours on research, I aggregated everything I've learned in a website to help other women. One of these days we'll actually launch it, it just keeps getting pushed back because of this business!

We're obsessed with travel!

Follow us on Instagram for legal tips and more travel pics.
solivagant legal travel pictures
Find the right contracts for your business.